Friday, February 18, 2011

Keeping it Simple

From various courses and lectures, we have learned the many ways communication works in the world but we have rarely heard it told to us so straightfoward. Ken Fairchild, a pioneer in the field for over 40 years, layed out exactly how he has seen communications develop and change over the years. One interesting topic he mentioned was the use of soundbites and how it affects the receiving of messages.

"This is the way to make your public hear your message," said Fairchild. Using soundbites is just as important as having a long and prepared speech, but it allows you to capture the attention of your audience without making them search for your message in a speech.

Fairchild explained that corporations are still afraid of the television and interviews ever since that medium changed the way communications were run. A terrible television interview can easily ruin a political candidate's position or destroy the image of a national brand. "Use the medium, don't let it use you," explained Fairchild. Use television to your advantage by summing up your message or points in a short phrase that can easily be repeated and remembered.

"All communication depends on the message," Fairchild repeated over and over. That was his message and he made sure we received it clearly without being lost in his lecture. Simple phrases, sentences or words are best remembered when repeated and stated firmly. He also added that confidence is key when delivering your message and it will go a long way in creating trust with your audience.

The objective is to have the audience trust you and love you. If you follow Fairchild's advice on keeping a consistent message through soundbites then your voice will resonate much louder with your audience. Reciting long and drawn out speeches won't help you connect with an audience that has a decreasing attention span. Choose your words carefully, keep them concise and  repeat them often.

1 comment:

  1. I love the point you made about having to have the audience trust and love you! It's so true. Without trust your message isn't going to get across no matter what medium you use.
